Top change-maker story:
THE HAGUE – Steven

My name is Steven and I am currently pursuing a degree in European studies, as I am driven by my profound interest in Europe and the European Union. In fact, as integral members of the European Union, the EU Member States have collectively embraced the principles of solidarity and rational cooperation in a wide array of areas, such as trade, human rights and mutual security.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that, although peace and security are not immutable, they are attainable objectives with concerted efforts.

As we contemplate the future of Europe, it becomes evident that our unity remains imperative to safeguarding the rule of law. Therefore, I am enthusiastic about contributing to this endeavour by proactively engaging with

In fact, has enabled me to participate in international events such as the 2023 European Youth Event, where young people from diverse countries came together to openly discuss present and future challenges in a free and supportive environment. Through my experience with, I have been able to channel my passion for social connection into tangible actions that contribute to positive change.

I refrain from being a passive observer on the sidelines; rather, I actively embrace the role of a thoughtful participant. Today’s challenges transcend national boundaries, necessitating a collaborative global effort to find effective solutions.

Moreover, thanks to, I can work on my passion to achieve my goals of a harmonised European Union, while gaining knowledge and actively participating in a larger political project. #UseYourVote during the 2024 European elections!